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Showing posts from April, 2011

Queen's Badge Recipients (2010/2011)

Congratulations to the following young men and their officers on the achievement of The Boys' Brigade's premier award - The Queen's Badge, during the 2010-2011 session. Mark Irwin  (1st Balteagh) Stewart Love  (1st Balteagh) Michael Smyth  (1st Balteagh) Christy Gregg  (2nd Coleraine) Gavin Harvey  (2nd Coleraine) Graham Hunter  (2nd Coleraine) Gary Simpson  (2nd Coleraine) Gavin Darragh  (5th Coleraine) Richard McMaster (5th Coleraine) Matthew Graham  (1st Dunboe) Glen Armstrong  (1st Garvagh) Jonathan Clyde  (1st Garvagh) Alan Moore  (1st Garvagh) Michael Torrens (1st Garvagh) Steven Alcorn  (2nd limavady) Iain Archibald  (2nd limavady) David Kingsbury  (2nd limavady) Steven Montgomery  (2nd limavady) Connor Richmond  (2nd limavady) Brandon Sayer  (2nd limavady) David Thompson (2nd limavady) Matthew Brown (1st Tamlaght O’Crilly)